It takes some time, tips, tricks, and workflow procedure to learn how to use and clean up Undeposited Funds. It is worth learning best practices, clean-ups, and work-arounds.
I regularly attend and recommend QB training courses from Intuit ProAdvisors, Hector Garcia, and QB Power Hour, and many others. It took me a couple years of training and working out the kinks of my workflows before I finally landed on a basic workflow that works for me. In my case the complications arose when my client’s business invoicing, receiving payments, and recording transactions were outside my full understanding or when I was unfamiliar with their payment POS or gateway. Have patience. Persevere. There is usually a fix and a best practice. Yes, it is not always straight forward. However sometimes the QB file is so totally messed up that you have pick an end point and start a new file. This is often when a client or inexperienced bookkeeper messed up sales tax and/or simply downloaded the bank records directly into bank accounts and expense records from bank or credit card downloads with rhyme or reason and adjusted balances to force a reconciliation. Then sometimes the files are so badly out of balance that it would mean a complete redo. In some cases the client may prefer to bit the bullet and start a new file with best practice procedures.
With each POS or payment gateway it may take time to learn how to properly reconcile those transactions. For these I suggest Veronica Wasek to start or Teresa Slack, Financly for advanced product based ecommerce reconciliation with apps.
There are many, many possible reasons that Undeposited Funds can have errors.
They can vary by:
Industry - professional services, retail, restaurants, etc.
Types of invoices - ie sales, retainers, installments, credits, etc
Contracts or Engagements and timing of payment - prepaid, installments, discount on prepaid, cancellation fee, etc.
Refunds and returns.
Payment types and gateways - cash, check, POS, etransfer, exchange, etc.
See below for some tips, tricks, and how to videos.
How to clean up Undeposited Funds in QuickBooks Online
by Veronica Wasek and Andre
Tips for taking on a massive Undeposited funds cleanup in QBO
by Veronica Wasek
How to Clean up Undeposited Funds in QuickBooks Online - My Cloud Bookkeeping
How to Fix Undeposited Funds QuickBooks Online
Hector Garcia is great but fast. This is a public video from his advanced QBO course.
QuickBooks Online: Cleaning up old uncleared transactions from bank or credit card reconciliation.