T1 - Dependent Carry forward Returns and Linking

Please help me if I am missing the point. Here is how I understand Dependent Returns. (C/f from Profile)

  • Carry Forward Main Principal Return
  • Carry Forward Dependent Return (assumption - Parent Father and Parent Mother)
  • Save Dependent Return
  • Main Principal Return - Link Dependent Return (from above) and delete the file. To make it Family Returns.


  1. to Link Returns - Parent Father and Parent Mother Return has to be linked separately
  2. Parent Father and Parent Mother Returns are not linked to each other e.g. if spousal amount is not transferred if Parent Mother income is NIL

This is creating a lot of misleading nos. It will not help for any tax planning. I almost have to complete dependent returns separately before linking them to Principal Return.

p.s Different Bug - Importing a Parent Mother Return shows SIN same on Parent Mother Spouse Screen.