Homework Template

Hello all!
I like the idea of the homework template. Mine does not seem to be working correctly. Works fine for all credits and deductions. Seems to stop after the {{/T1}}. Nothing triggers in the template for any specific employment expenses, rental, business, or farming statements. I haven’t changed anything, am just using the default template. Is anyone else noticing this? I tried to check back a few years, none of them work any different.

Thanks in advance!


I’m not that smart. Found the info I was looking for just by scrolling down to the next page…

Just adding it to this thread in case someone is looking for help later.

The Homework template is designed to gather information from a prior year. So you would use the 2022 file to help you gather information for the 2023 return. Here’s an example of what mine looks like with a 2022 file: