After working on a big return my tax return said it was corrupt and would not save.
i lost everything -argh!!
has anyone else had this issue.
Occasionally have had the error, but LONG AGO I learned to save work whenever I’d done more than I wanted to redo (we’re talking back in the early '90s with spreadsheets like old Lotus 123…),
But yah, with TC have had the odd time the program craps out.
Am still waiting for TaxCycle to fix it.
Yes - I started computers with Lotus 123 and Word Perfect and it died often enough that frequent saving is thoroughly ingrained even to this day. You might check your windows folders - sometimes the file is temporarily saved in the background and maybe there is copy you can start from that is not completely starting over.
Hi Cheryl,
If you have files that state their corrupt, please securely upload the file(s) here to help us troubleshoot the cause of the issue:
~ Rob
Sent the file Friday nite, and heard this morning it is being excalated, but not resolved.
So much for next business day.
happened to me again - very frustrating
can’t phone tax cycle because it is at 2 am