Like the T5008 forms, is it possible to export the T3’s to an Excel file? Even with the ability to aggregate T3’s in the AFR, I’m finding some clients with crazy #'s of T3’s from many issuers difficult to aggregate to match the T3 slips.
I want to export to an Excel file so I can group the slips using the SUMIF function in Excel to match up the data with the slips. It would be so much easier to do it that way, at least for me.
You can aggregate the T3 and T5008’s in Taxcycle. you just keep selecting the same slip if you need to match them to your current slip and they will add them together.
Yup, I realize that, and it works fine for most clients. I have some clients, such as the one I’m working on, who have many (25 in this case) T3 slips from RBC Direct Investing, RBC Dominion Securities, RBC Investor Services, and many other issuers. It is difficult to match them in the AFR screen because many of them just say “RBC”. It would be helpful in a situation like this to be able to export into Excel. I can match them up easier using the SUM(IF function. That’s what I did in this case.
Did you know that if you click on Data and then the AFR icon,
The last import screen pops up and you can change where you imported a slip if it turns out you made a mistake and re import them. I just did this with some T3 and T5 that were posted twice without having to download them again.