CRA review of US Social Security 15% Income Exemption

Something new to me - CRA are requesting confirmation if the 15% Income Exemption on US Social Security. I’ve just had the second client who has received this request for information. It is difficult to know how much information they actually need because of course they ask for the moon. Has anyone else started receiving those requests?

Got one but for the 50% redux…and the client is now mentally incompetent and nobody has a clue where any records are…sigh.

Have over the years, is impossible to get in most situations. I am speaking here of the 50% exemption.

I had one a couple years ago. I just sent in the US slip. US pension income automatically gets 15% claim

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I’ve received one of these for every client who has social security at one time or another. I just send in the SS slip and tell CRA that the client is entitled to a 15% deduction under the Canada/US Tax Treaty (all my SS clients are subject to the 15% deduction; not the 50% deduction). I’ve never had a problem. It’s the clients who have filed a US tax return that gets sticky. CRA wants all the foreign slips, the tax return, the T2209, the IRS return transcript and the IRS account transcript. Those are easier to get now but it’s a pain to answer these.

Just send the US tax slip and a cover letter with the calculations/exchange rate etc. I have lots of clients with this!