Company name and BN on T2

It would be nice to have the company name and BN in the same spot at the top of the T2 side bar similar to the T1 module. Having it in all the T4, T5 etc modules would also be helpful.

At first you may think it is redundant since corporations do not have spouses etc; however, if you do not have the BN in the file name and you log into CRA’s website, I find that I am having to scroll to the top of the current form or clicking on return information to get the BN.

I guess this could be an option to show or not. It would save time I think.

Not what you asked for but you could add it to a data monitor…


Not what you asked for, but if that would do the trick I could also give you a right click to copy the value to the clipboard so you could paste it into the CRA website.


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I guess that would work,