I have submitted a T5 return already with 2 slips and need to add another slip.
I selected “yes” for “additional T5 summary” on the Info tab, and the program shows the transmission history for the two slips sent before.
Do I need to mark each of the previously submitted slips as “exclude from filing”, or does TaxCycle handle this automatically?
Can I just add the new slip and transmit?
Uncheck the T5s already submitted so only the latest is checked to be submitted. Did you also submit the T5 Summary?
right the T5 summary and 2 slips were submitted earlier.
there is is field on the T5 summary that indicates it is an “additional” summary, so I’m sure that is ok. I just don’t know about manually excluding the slips that were already submitted. I don’t see how I would “uncheck” them as you suggest, but I can click to “exclude” them. If I do this, the new T5 summary only includes amounts for the additional slip I am transmitting. Is this the correct procedure? I sent the question to TaxCycle support also since it is not clear in the instructions or in CRA’s guide.
I generally clear the data on all the T5 slips which are not to be included, and/or mark them “Exclude from filing”. Then save this second T5 file with a new filename (i.e. add “2nd” to the filename, etc). Then when you go to file or print, you can let it include all slips which are to be filed.
I heard back from support (Perry) that the correct procedure is to turn on the “additioanal” marker, add the new slips and transmit. Do not delete or exclude the original slips.
Yes, of course you have to select “Yes” to that question on the Info page. I do that, and I assume that info is transmitted to CRA so they know it’s not an AMENDED slip. If you are filing a second T5 for the same individual, you have to add a second entry for the same person in that T5 file (which TaxCycle allows, but…). Since it is an ORIGINAL slip (not Amended or Cancelled) there is no way to get TaxCycle to transmit only the second slip. I’m not sure what would happen if you try to file it that way. I haven’t tried. But, I suspect there would be an error, or at least it would confuse CRA, and they would have to contact you to get it sorted out.
However, now that I think about it, as long as you’re not filing a second T5 for the same person, maybe it’s ok to re-transmit the entire T5 data, including all the previously filed ones? Maybe the fact that you turn on “Additional T5 Summary” triggers CRA to ignore the ones that were previously filed?