Sole Shareholder become non-resident

How it impacts T2 filing if a shareholder becomes a non-resident. Is there a thing to file two T2 returns, as CCPC and the later part as an other Corp?

All that matters is where the Corporation resides or is incorporated. The Corporation is not impacted by where shareholders live.

Big problems if the shareholder moved to the US - special report to make and the company may become liable for UD taxes.

I guess my ignorance shows. :hot_face:

This might be a late response.
Yes, if the sole shareholder becomes a non-resident it changes the CCPC status as of that date and a short yearend has to be filed under section 249(31). Another return is also required from the first date after the short yearend to the actual date of the fiscal yearend. You must wait to get the assessment done for the first part of the yearend to reset and adopt the first date of the second return.