My customer engaged in Uber, Door Dash, Skip the dishes and Instacart businesses.
These all business are of the same nature. Since CRA needs income and expenses for each business separately, What industry code should I use for these businesses or can I use same industry code on multiple T2025 on one return?
Please guide me.
IMO you are incorrect in stating that each business should be separate. I believe your client is in the delivery business and has multiple customers. Those customers being Door Dash, Skip, etc…
If they also operated an ice cream stand… that would be a different business.
In your situation, everything is on one T2125 with one business code.
But to my experience, last year when I combined Uber and Skip the dishes, CRA sent a letter to my client to provide income and expenses separately.
I agree with @rachelavryl. CRA may find it easier to match the revenue to T4A’s issued but the business is a delivery business. You likely don’t file separate T2125’s on your T1 for your T1 clients and your T2 clients. It’s the same concept on a smaller scale.
If CRA asks for separately, I would have replied as I did to you.
It is a delivery business with multiple clients.
Yes, they ask for the income totals from each source as that is what they are truly trying to verify and that should be provided
The expenses would have been provided for all as it is ran as one business.
I can’t imagine running a delivery business and separating all expenses for delivery vehicle by client.
I agree with @rachelavryl and @kevin. I would report expenses for delivery service.