Motor Vehicle expenses on 2125

Where can we claim Motor vehicle expenses on T2125 for partnership other than a spouse? I can see a check mark box for the spouse if you want to share the motor vehicle expenses with your spouse but not for your partner. I am talking about work van which is used 100 for the business by both partners and all expenses are paid from the business.


Great question. In the past, when the partner was not the spouse and there was only one business vehicle, then I claimed all the kms on the T2125 Auto form.

I let the partnership percentage create the pro-rating amount.

I created an excel export for the person’s partner to enter on their return.

I don’t see the problem.
Part 8 of the T2125 is the entry section for partners name , address, and ownership per partnership agreement.
Motor vehicle expenses remain where they always are, line 9281.