Joint T5 Slip Entered in 2016 T1 Return - Dividends

I think the 2016 T1 Module may be glitching a bit when manually entering a shared T5 slip that includes dividends (Eligible or Non-Eligible). If I enter a T5 slip that is shared 50/50 between spouses, Taxcycle is allocating half the taxable dividends to the first spouse and none to the 2nd spouse. On the spouse’s return it shows the correct amount for “actual dividends” but 0.00 for taxable. I can force it to calculate properly by deleting the name on the slip and re-entering it.

Steps for me to reproduce this glitch;

1 - Carry forward a husband and wife T1 return from 2015 Taxcycle
2 - Go to the T5 screen and “Create a New T5”
3 - Type the name of an issuer
3 - Allocate 50% to the spouse
4 - Enter 200,000 in actual dividends (eligible or non-eligible it doesn’t matter)
5 - Taxpayer has large balance yet spouse has zero income and nothing due

6 - Adjust the amount of the actual dividend and get some really wacky results on both spouse’s returns

7 - Fix everything by going to the “Name of Issuer” field and simply entering something else

I was doing some T1 planning and came across this by accident.

to fix it you can also make it change the slip back to 100 % then change it back to 50-50
this tell me that it is not carrying forward the proper splits for these t5

Hi everyone,

This will be fixed in our next release.


thank you gladf to help