Sales tax by province (Online sales)

“I think you’ve got that backwards - the place of supply would be Ontario, so Ontario HST would be charged.”

Actually, not necessarily… It is unlikely that the BC consumer picked up the item in Ontario.

A brief overview can be obtained by reading guide RC4022 (around page 41 or so)

“You must register to collect and remit PST if you are located outside BC but within Canada and regularly do all of the following: Sell taxable goods to customers in BC” etc, etc, etc

Proper evaluation of sales contracts and operations should be undertaken by the company’s lawyer and the company’s accountant in respect of each Province sold to.

“I called the tax department in BC and was told that it is not necessary to get a PST number and file a PST return if sales are below $10,000.00.”

IMHO, extremely unwise to try to get answers to legal questions over the telephone.
That telephone advice may very well not be correct of the seller does not have a business presence in BC.

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